Our Company

Kilang Cetak Kotak Terbaik Sekitar Kuala Lumpur, Shah Alam​

We believe in the meaning of brand and marketing as the asset of the product. Without proper packaging, it's hard to communicate your brand and transact the products to the market.

Design & Printing for Packaging & Labeling

3D visual & OEM Product Services

Premium Web Services

Our Services

“We help to manage a proper packaging option for you. Understanding the connection between humans and products.”

Packaging & Labeling Design
Our packaging & labeling design services focus on developing a package as a selling tool. A sudden demand for product packaging makes us go beyond containing, protecting, and preserving products. We adjust to define the identity of your packaging design to be more sustainable and tasteful. A good label influenced by efficient sizing and placement that we effectively bundled.
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Packaging & Labeling Printing
It's vital for us to carefully thinking of the packaging labels printing. Understanding the importance of labels will help you introduce or finalize a sale with your potential customer. A high-quality custom label design shows you are willing to invest in your product packaging, e-commerce deliveries, and other points of contact outside the store.
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3D Visual Design
We offer a larger than life perspective by representing your products with simple images. It helps your brand alive, appealing, and worth experiencing with the 3D rendering visualization process. With our designer, we believe there is unlimited paramount to push your brand identity and speaks to your customer.
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Products & Packaging Supplies
Packaging supplies are essential. Handy and affordable packaging options might affect your products spent. So, here we want to give you a set of customization of packaging supplies. Beautiful and attention-grabbing packaging supplies not only nice to have, but have also performed a stage of your products.
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OEM Product Services
To be more sustain, we offer you an efficient and specialize professional service. We help to manufacture your ideas, with high-quality goods for your high demand products. By value-adding the products you sell, we set the affordable and sustain OEM product service.
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About The Company

Our Solution

All at once, packaging influences its product’s atmosphere.

Your products are the star of the show. Packaging and labeling design are tools that help communicate your product’s value to be taken by the customer. Mosumart Design works to elevate the element of visual and information of your products by strengthening its potential segment.

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What People Say

We prioritize the importance of our clients. Building the connection between our services and the market will help us improve the character of our services. We believe your voice is the artifact of our company.

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